It’s time to take control of your health and feel energized

It’s time to take control of your health and feel energized

Welcome, let me introduce myself, I am Laura Llacuna, graduate in Biology, PhD in Biomedicine, Health Coach and specialist in Psychoneuroimmunology and Orthomolecular Nutrition.

I am passionate about life, discovering the world, good food, nature and dancing. I work in the field of Integrative Health, that means I see how all areas of your health are connected.

My goal is to connect with people,

give them opportunities to new solutions and healthy lifestyle. It is basic to be conscious about the needs of every single person because everyone is unique and different and that is why I offer a comfortable environment where the bioindividuality and the passion of everyone is important in order to choose the correct foods and decide the treatments to follow.

Trust your intuition and don’t regret what makes you feel alive!

Currently, my consult has become mostly online, via Zoom, Skype or the channel that is most comfortable for you

I started using this format with international patients or those who couldn’t travel to my office, but since 2020, I use it in most cases and the experience has shown me that it is a totally effective channel that allows me to carry out my work in a very dynamic way, connecting, empathizing and helping you in the same way. Even so, you can also visit me in person in Mataró. 

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5 pasos básicos que te ayudarán a una mejor gestión del estrés.

Do you want to live a healthy life and feel energized?

Download my free guide with "5 basic steps that will help you manage stress"

Do you want to live a healthy life and feel energized?

5 pasos básicos que te ayudarán a una mejor gestión del estrés.

Download my free guide with "5 basic steps that will help you manage stress"

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